Monday, April 2, 2012

Embellish, Embellish, Embellish


  1. Make (something) more attractive by the addition of decorative details or features: "blue silk embellished with golden embroidery".
  2. Make (a statement or story) more interesting or entertaining by adding extra details, esp. ones that are not true.
adorn - beautify - decorate - ornament - garnish - deck

As per usual, I couldn't help but peruse through, and I must say, it's grown into quite an addiction. Looking through Vogue's Fall Guide 2012, I stumbled upon The Trend: EMBELLISHMENT. For those of you that know me personally, my middle name is "embellishment". There is nothing more quite beautiful to me than embellishing an outfit. I know Vogue says it is a Fall trend, but hey why not start using it now? 
Embellishments are fun, quirky, and make others take a second look! Embellishing an outfit whether it be adding some fun arm-candy or a glamourous scarf, a glitzy ring, an eye-catching bag, or even embroidery on a favorite piece of yours, is sure to complete your look. The looks seen on the runways are showing lush materials, faded gold brocade work, stand-out ornate designs, deep rich colors, vivid glitzy patterns as examples of the 'embellishment trend' on clothes. This shopping season, keep an eye out for looks that emphasize a bit of glitz and shimmer. Always keep a go-to embellishment piece around, you never know when you'll need it to up-the-ante on an outfit. 

Image via 
xoxo Stay Sparkly